Monday, June 11, 2012

Think Big Dream High-E8 – Things that are within our control

Change has to be for the better

I came from the village. As a villager, I often used the “back to basic” approach in whatever actions, be it way of thinking or basis of judgement in making decisions. The world is fast changing and it should remain that way. Our country has changed.My countrymen too have changed a lot.From time to time we changed,to the extent more often than not we changed not for the better.The changes we make sometimes affect our religion, our education, our social life, our way of life and our politics. In general when changes happen we hope these changes will be for the better and is positive for ourselves,our families and our communities.We want something that is good for our religion, our education, our social life, our lives and our politics.

The Win Win Formula

The question that comes to mind which sometimes disturb my thoughts and feelings is how the politicians make decisions for our beloved country. The politicians are those who are in power or in the opposition. Their policies are based on formulas to win the hearts of every communities in this country to the extent there will be some who are not satisfied. We want a win-win situation, we want the best for us. In arriving at this formula, there must surely be those that who are affected.At times, it can be irritating. Since our countrymen are the ones in power, there are sacrifices that we have to make to derive the win-win formula. We are hoping that all the formulas are for our benefit only.

We must face the fact that in a multiracial society, we cannot hope that all the formulas are for the benefit of our countrymen only. This may not happen. Our leaders will derive formulas that can win the hearts of every single member of the multiracial population. This is logical and should be done by our leaders. We cannot do anything about this. Personally it is beyond our control. The real owners of these issues are the politicians.We cannot make the decisions,the people in power are the ones that should make the decision. Our involvement will be when we cast our votes during the election. We can use our vote to choose the candidate that we favour.The best candidate that care for our welfare,our interests,our economy and our religion.These are our basic rights.

Back to Basics

What then must we do? Nothing else but go back to the beginning of the road. We must use the back to basic approach. The approach that we ourselves can use to control our decisions. We are the ones that can control our environment, our children and our families. As an example,as parents, we need to make sure that our children obtained all As in all subjects in their school exams. Ensure that at the university level, our children enrolled in engineering, medicine,law or accounting courses. We need to flood the job market with engineers,doctors,lawyers,or accountants,from our countrymen. These engineers,doctors,lawyers and accountants at one stage will be very successful as world class professionals,hightech entrepreneurs,technopreneurs,corporate figures or even the respectful politicians and leaders.We train them not only to become world class professionals but at the same time strengthened them with iman and taqwa.

Decisions within our control

This means we,our children and those within our control need to always work hard.Other people are not affected by the decisions we made for our children to be successful and happy.The decisions are 100% in our hands. Not in the politicians’ hands. Therefore as a villager, I urge that we pledge to work hard to be successful in our studies,careers or in our businesses. So that our wives are successful in their careers. So that our children are successful in their studies.If we have 5 children,one must be an engineer,one doctor,one lawyer and two accountants.So that all our family members are successful as a professional in their chosen careers.So that in our families we work together to increase our efforts in alleviating our assets,wealth,iman and taqwa.So that we pray,munajat,hope,tawakal and resigned ourselves to Allah SWT.Only Allah SWT have the right to bestow happiness to us in this world and hereinafter,InsyaAllah.

The International Standards KPI

Let the politicians derive their win-win formulas. We need to do our win-win formula ourselves. Our win-win formula is the formula for our family to be successful in this world and hereinafter. This is within our control. We need to maximize what we can do for us to be successful.When we are successful, become rich, excel, our families are well known, the politicians will come running to us. At that time, they will respect, become closer and look up to us. We receive them in good faith, and bless be to Allah. Hopefully, they will use our approach in their political channels when providing motivation and awareness talks to all our countrymen to emulate us. So that our success become a KPI, a standard that can be followed. If this happens, then our whole communities will be successful. Our country will be successful and our countrymen will remain in control of our wealth and respected. Our leadership will not be questioned since our countrymen are at the top and always achieving their KPI. Using standards which relies on merit alone. KPI that is at par with the international standards. Not the village KPI eventhough I am a villager. In order to achieve this world class KPI we need to think big dream high and have a strong heart at all times.

1 comment:

  1. The Most important Knowledge that every Muslim must learn is the KALIMAH LA ILAHA ILLALLAH [ Surah Muhamad Verse 19].
    The Knowledge of the KALIMAH is deeper and greater than all contents of the Oceans,[ Surah Lukman Verse 27] - Surah Al kahfi Verse 109.
    This is the Kalimah learning its Knowledge that will guarantee a success in this life and hereafter.
    [] and
