Monday, August 13, 2012

Think Big Dream High-E 17 – Those Who Are Confused and Disorganized

Behaviour of people

1.As a professional manager I do made some analysis into the various eccentricities and characteristics of the people I associated , observed and communicated with.

2.In my future articles, I will share my views with the readers on the various management issues relating to eccentricities, behaviour and actions of the people especially in working or office environment.

3.A person who is confused and disorganized will never know what they want in life. They do not have any ambition and clear direction in their daily lives.

4.This situation is experienced by all levels of communities right from the student, worker, boss, housewife or entrepreneur. Being in a state of confusion made them unsuccessful. Although they can be regarded as successful, it will be just mediocre only.

5.The state of confusion began with a feeling of non-confidence in oneself. Non-confidence in oneself is a sickness that started with inferiority complex i.e. a feeling of insecurity of not measuring up and having a low self esteem. Without realising it, we always raise the white flag before even trying. We are afraid to compete. We are afraid to take the risk. We are afraid to take the first step. We become followers. When we are confused and disorganized , we do not know how to began and take the first step.

Reality in Life

1.Being in a state of confusion and disorganized is a reality in our daily lives. As an example, a student will be confused and disorganized when he is uncertain of his priorities as a student. He mixes the issue on love and ambition. In the end he failed in both areas and ended in a misery.

2.As a worker in the office, we contributed and be involved in endless non productive meetings. Meetings wasted a lot of time, resources and financial well being of the government or companies. Most meetings come prepared with various facilities including food which are sometimes not consumed by those who attended them.

3.Most meetings do take a long time to debate on issues which are of no importance. This happens when most of the issues are either unclear or not focused. In actual fact, the meeting can be completed within 30 minutes with just a bottle of mineral water in hand. In case the water is not consumed it can be kept for other meetings as it will not turn bad.

4.Since most of the participants are confused, the meeting only ended 3 hours later. Breakfast or lunch had to be prepared. It comes with “teh tarik” and dessert as well. There’s food everywhere resulting in my countrymen’s communities 70% more obese than the other communities.

5.When a person is obese, they get tired easily, slow in responding and low in productivity. As the meetings took too long, most participants ended up exhausted and tired and cannot focus on their work for the rest of the day. All this happens because we are confused and disorganised.


1.Everyone of us are the same. The one thing that separated us from the others is our level of confidence and maturity. We are confident if we are equipped with all kinds of knowledge. Knowledge relating to our studies, work, social life, our religion or those relating to our business which must all the time be acquired.

2.We need to increase our knowledge by reading blogs, books, the Al Quran translation, kitab tafsir, kitab Al Hadith, by attending courses, seminars, discourse, discussion or any talks on all kind of intellectual interaction with anybody.

3.Knowledge will not make us look stupid or proud but it will always make us be prepared, confident, matured and skillful. A knowledgeable person will be brave and smart in handling any issues related to his area of expertise. He will be respected by all parties that he dealt with.

4.We need to change our attitude and realized that we too can be smart and successful. We are no different compared with the others. What others can do, we can do even better. We need to be prepared to face any issues confronting us all the time. This will make us steadfast in solving the various issues confronting us. This will resolve all forms of confusion and disorganization. InsyaAllah.

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