Monday, October 22, 2012

Think Big Dream High, E 27- The Spirit Of Sacrificing


1.Making sacrifices in general is about a sincere action of giving or donating something which we own and dear to us. The highest and most valuable sacrifice is one’s life and the lowest and least of all is one’s time. Sacrificing will have value to Allah SWT if it is made only for the sake of Allah SWT. Sacrificing one’s life, assets, thoughts, emotion, desire, spiritual or time for the sake of Allah SWT will be rewarded with heaven and good omens/deeds.

2.For a country’s leader sacrificing will be in the form of abdicating himself to be of service to the country and the rakyat. His soul, desire, emotions, spiritual, mental and assets owned by the leader will be sacrificed and donated to the rakyat to care for their wellbeing and takes precedence over his personal interest. This is a real leader with a charismatic leadership.

3.As the head of the family, sacrificing is about allocating all of his assets to ensure that his family members are successful in education, career and their lives. He is responsible for the happiness of his children and wife in this world and hereafter.

4.This means sacrificing is something big i.e. giving out everything you have internally and externally including those that can be seen and cannot be seen to another person. This is not for personal interest. It is a reflection of one’s sincerity, kindness and high moral value towards Allah SWT, himself and the people around him.

Reality in life

1.FILO or FINO i.e. First In  Last Out or First In No Out has been the practice for most of us. We want to be the first to receive other people’s gifts and as far as possible, to be the last person to donate something to another person. There are also others who do not want to give anything to other people.
2.Seldom if ever someone who accidentally hit an unattended parked vehicle leaving a note at the car’s wiper apologizing for the incident and leaving a contact number for any claims of damages. This is a small example of our inner sacrifice. Our inner voice asked us to ignore and just leave the scene of incident. After all nobody knows we are the one who hit the car. By owning up and placing the message at the car’s wiper we have sacrificed our desire for the sake of Allah SWT.


1.Be determined to be someone having a noble and kind heart. Be determined to be someone rich and wealthy, a millionaire but who is always contributing for waqf, donating and paying zakat on his profits and assets. Be determined to channel our thoughts, emotions, desire, spiritual, time and energy for the Islamic religion. Be determined to be directly involved in contributing towards the success of our family, community and our country.

2.Be determined not to ask for any form of payment for the contribution and assistance made. No more Mr 10%, no more Datin 20%. No more acronym USA(Untuk Saya Apa) i.e. what is it for me?. We help and assist with sincerity. We arrange appointments with the VIPs with sincerity. We lobby projects from VIP with sincerity. In return we only ask for an appropriate amount of professional fees, equivalent to the services rendered.  If we receive the payment, we are determined to pay zakat, donate it and distribute it to the poor and needy and the orphanage.

3.We are determined to erase any form of revenge towards another person. We are determined to sacrifice our beauty sleep for the sake of performing the night solat sunnat. We are determined to sacrifice our full stomach to perform the sunnat fasting. We are determined to sacrifice our enjoyment with our  friends in order to start a distant learning programme for a degree in business administration.

4.This is our determination, will power and intention to be ever ready to make sacrifices when there is a call for it. To have all this right attitude and spirit we need to think big dream high and have a strong heart.       

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