Monday, January 07, 2013

Think Big Dream High,E36- Those Who Are Poisoning And Weakening Themselves Everyday, Part 1.

New inspiration

1.New year means new inspiration for everyone of us. This year I would like to introduce some guidelines on smart eating and healthy life style. My intention is for our community to become a healthy, slim, alert and intellectual community. We are facing many challenges in this vibrant and competitive world. Therefore we need to be fit in all aspects of our lives, be it physical, mental, spiritual or emotion. Our eating habits and life style play an important role in determining the fitness level of all of these components on our lives. We want to be at par or better than other world class professionals or entrepreneurs.

2.Committing suicide is haram. Poisoning oneself is also haram. What then would be the difference with someone who is allowing himself to purposely die before the actual time comes?

3. A Muslim should reach  the dying age on average at the age of 63, the age with which Prophet Muhammad SAW passed away. For the Japanese, the average dying age for the men is 75 and the women 85. The more advanced and developed a country, the longer the average dying age of the population. The average dying age for our country too has increased to 70 years old for men and 75 for women.

4.This longevity  phenomena or trend is actually being achieved as a result of embracing a much more healthier life style. Nowadays a balanced diet or following a regular exercise regime is widely practiced by the more wealthier or advanced communities.

5.As Muslims, we believe death is Allah SWT’s prerogative. We can doa for longevity. Allah SWT knows best what is in our hearts and minds. Allah SWT knows our daily diet, exercise and other efforts put in for long-life and maintaining our youthfulness. Allah SWT created us and He knows that as the weak human beings, we will always doa to Him to for longevity and happiness.

6.As Allah SWT’s faithful and beloved Ummah, we have every right to request that our doas and efforts be fulfilled by Him. Everything is within Allah SWT’s knowledge and power. As Allah SWT’s faithful Ummah, we have to leave it to fate and rely on Him to consider all of our doas and efforts.    

7.B should die when he reaches x age but B seriously put in the effort for longevity and Allah SWT knows best about his sincerity and good intention. Allah SWT will InsyaAllah happily lengthen his life befitting his efforts and doa. In fact Allah SWT knew about this would be efforts and doa at the time of B’s creation.

8.Food certified by health and diet experts as being the cause of chronic illnesses when taken more than the required amount are those containing lots of sugar,  saturated fats, chemicals, heavy metals, high toxin and acid content.

9. Examples of food with high sugar content such as white rice, yellow and white noodles, white bread, nasi lemak, all kinds of cakes or kuehs, coffee or tea, syrup, soda and carbonated drinks. All kinds of bottled, tinned or packet beverages, and all kinds of refined flour based junk foods.  

10.Examples of food with high contents of saturated fats especially fats originated from reared animals such as red meats, meat curry or soups, ox tail soup, chicken soup, mutton soup, frying oil heated beyond its boiling point and re-used for a couple of times and all kinds of fried foods except those fried with olive oil.

11.Examples of food with high chemical and toxic contents such as snack foods, all kind of fried foods using recycled cooking oil, raw foods such as fruits and vegetables sprayed with antiseptic or pesticides, junk foods and food cooked with excessive  seasoning and food with artificial chemical flavor or colouring. Some meat, chicken, fish or seafood especially from farms located near river or sea and nearby the industrial areas are also found  contaminated with chemical waste and should be avoided.

12.Examples of food with high heavy metal contents are food supplements or drinks containing excessive herbs particularly in powdery form, not an extract or concentrated form.

13.Examples of food with high acid contents are all kinds of food and drinks with Ph level  less than 5 i.e. all kinds of pickled food(unripe mango is acidic but the ripe ones are alkalized) and all kinds of meat and proteins. Zam zam water for example is a good source of drinking water due to its high Ph content of between 9 and 11.

14.Either consciously or unconsciously, most people actually consumed all of the above foods. That has been our daily diet throughout our lives. True, we do not consume poisonous  drink or food. We will never ever poison ourselves. In actual fact without us realizing it we take in poison every time we eat. Without us realizing it we are actually poisoning ourselves everytime we take in all of the above foods and drinks.

15.Therefore from now on, we need to ponder on our eating habits. We need to do some kind of adjustment on the way we consume foods or drinks in order not to continue poisoning ourselves with the wrong diet. We cannot effort to remain weak physically in the present fast paced and changing world environment.

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