Monday, May 21, 2012

Think Big Dream High,E 5-Be Smart and Copy The Good Stuff


I am from the village. As a villager when I came to town, I received many surprises. The environment in the village when compared to the city is by far very different. Physically, the village is far different from the city. From the livelihood aspects, the village is far different from the city. From the social aspects, the village is far different from the city. From the economic aspects, the village is far different from the city.

From my experience and observation, it is easy for my countrymen,especially the youth group to copy. It is easy for them to copy the city’s lifestyle. It is easy for them to copy the social life in the city. It is easy for them to copy the daily activities of the city folks. There is only one thing my countrymen is not good at copying. This one thing is very difficult for my countrymen to copy. My countrymen is not good at copying how the city folks make money, the ways the city folks accumulate assets, the ways the city folks accumulate wealth and the ways the city folks enjoy and double their wealth. These are the things my countrymen are slow to understand, to copy and to follow.

Copying the negative elements

It is easy for my countrymen to copy to be good singers, it is easy for my countrymen to go clubbing, it is easy for my countrymen to copy, to loaf around, chit chatting at the coffee shops until early hours of the morning. Not caring whether it’s Maghrib, Isyak or Subuh prayer times. My countrymen is also good at following the footsteps of the Non Muslims by living together with their partners of the opposite sex. My countrymen are also addicted to drugs. My countrymen are also not praying 5 times a day. My countrymen are also not fasting during the Ramadhan fasting month. My countrymen are also good at aborting their babies and throwing their illegitimate babies near mosques.

From Islamic perspectives, the things that my countrymen are good and keen to copy are the forbidden acts. But why is it easy for my countrymen to break these code of conduct?.

From Islamic perspectives, efforts to raise one’s economic wellbeing is encouraged. But why is it things that are encouraged to be done become a difficult thing for my countrymen to follow.

Reality TV programs and entertainment contests organized by the private TV stations or that owned by the government are the ones my countrymen look forward to. Any entertainment programs held in cities throughout the country, will be followed and watched closely by thousands or millions of my countrymen. It looks as if life is just one ball game. Should there be any public holidays, public parks will be flocked by the youth group of my countrymen. They don’t care whether its time for Zohor, Asar, Maghrib, Ishak or Subuh prayers. They no longer feel restricted by the prayer times. They don’t feel guilty not praying. It looks as if they are not respectful of Allah Subhana Wata’ala. Being scared of Allah Subhana Wata’ala is no longer in the minds of my countrymen. What comes to their minds is only enjoyment and to unleash their lust.

Just Negligence

It is not a priority for my countrymen to bother about the economic situations. It is not a priority for my countrymen to bother about the level of educational achievement by their cildren. It is not necessary for my countrymen to worry about the level of economic achievement 20 or 30 years from now. Leave it to those generations at that time to solve it by themselves. Now I want to enjoy, I want to be free, I want to be happy. Let others worry about the economic situation of my countrymen, let others worry about the poor educational achievement of my countrymen, let others worry about the social problems of my countrymen, let others worry about the political issues of my countrymen. Let the political masters worry about all this. My countrymen need only to think, tonite I want to enjoy, tomorrow life goes on, be it working at the factory or office, tomorrow nite I will join the motor race, the next day work again, come evening gather and loaf with friends. Weekends, I will join the motorcycle convoy with my girlfriend and spent the nite at the beach front. This is heaven to me.

My countrymen is not interested and does not bother to find out why, the non Muslims are getting richer, the non Muslims are accumulating assets, the non Muslims are controlling the corporate sectors, the non Muslims are controlling the industrial sectors, the non Muslims are controlling the commercial sectors, the non Muslims are controlling the import export business, the non Muslims are the one’s becoming wealthier. It does not cross our minds to be involved in the import export business. It does not cross our minds to be successful in the commercial and e-commerce business, to be successful in the import export business for example.

Be responsible

My countrymen, we come from the village. Go and reflect upon where we come from. Life is not as simple as we thought. Life is not as easy as we dream of. We have responsibilities. Life is about sacrifices. Life is about working hard, life is about working together hand in hand. Life requires financial and economic strength. Life requires mental, emotional and spiritual strength. Life is about meritocracy, competition. KPIs and struggle. Life requires preparation for us to live hereinafter. Life requires wealth in this world and wealth hereinafter. Be prepared. Act now and do something worthwhile to ensure happiness in the both worlds. Look beyond your inner self, not just whet your appetite.Be a good citizen with a clear vision and mission to succeed.Be a good citizen with a strong heart to think big and dream high not only for ourselves but also for the sake of our future generations.

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