Monday, April 30, 2012

Think Big Dream High,E 2-The Fears and Hopes of a Village Boy

The city

I came from the village but my children are all raised in the city. I am the son of a villager whereas my children’s father is a corporate figure. My children were born and raised in the city. They went to school in the city. The city represents development. The city represents progress. The city represents success and wealth. The city represents arrogance and meritocracy. The city represents key performance index(KPI). The city represents competition. The city is the centre of all social and economy activities. The city is the machine that never stops working day and night.

Where is my countrymen in the city that represents development, progress, wealth,arrogance, meritocracy, success,KPI and competition?. Where is my countrymen in the city that is the centre of all activities?. Where is my countrymen in the city that never stops working day and night?

My questions to my countrymen

Which communities are the owners of high rise buildings with values reaching billions of dollars?. Which communities owned the industrial factories and shopping complexes?. Which communities owned air-conditioned shopping complexes that enables the children of my countrymen to loaf around with their girldfriends holding their helmets in their hands?. Which communities owned bungalow houses and luxury condominiums where my countrymen worked as security guards and cleaners? Which communities owned factories where most of the workers are children of my countrymen? Which communities owned luxury cars where most of the drivers are the children of my countrymen?

Which communities are the ones most often occupying the first class plane seats and entertained warmly by the children of my countrymen when travelling overseas? Which communities are the ones owning large amount of shares in listed companies and the envelopes containing dividends from these investments are sent to them by the office messenger who are children of my countrymen?

Which communities actually developed in the city? Which communities actually progressed in the city?. Which communities are the wealthy ones in the city? Which communities in the city who are always competing and eventually succeed? Which communities actually benefitted from the meritocracy system in the city? Which communities who are always checking on their business KPIs?.

I am just a village boy. I can only afford to watch all these activities happening around me. I can only afford to watch other people achieve success in my city and country. I can only afford and be at the sidelines of the growth and progress of my country. I can only taste the gravy but all the contents have been taken by the other races. I can only afford to take photos of my children posing in front of the high rise buildings.

My Hope

I have not given up. I am confident that my countrymen can be developed and succeed. I am still confident that my countrymen will succeed and be wealthy. I am still confident that my countrymen can compete. I am still confident that my countrymen can adopt to the meritocracy system. I am still confident that my countrymen can change and head towards success,towards achieving the targetted KPIs..

My spirit is strong and anxious to push my countrymen to succeed. My dreams are still alive to see my countrymen become rich and successful. Oh my countrymen, change now to reach success. Take the opportunities available to migrate from the current position to a position with multiple the benefits. Work hard my countrymen to reach success. Be focus my countrymen to the opportunities available openly and work hard so that these opportunities will transform my countrymen to be at par with other successful communities world over.

To my children who were born in the city, as a villager, I want to advise all of you. You are my hope. When everyone of you succeed then all of your countrymen will succeed. Act now for success. Act now for wealth. Act now so that you will not be left behind. Act now to achieve success here and the hereafter. When you are successful, your countrymen and religion will also be successful. You, my children are my hope . My hope to ensure that all of your children and grandchildren will be successful and remain respected in our beloved and rich country,InsyaAllah.

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